stratified cross validation

Stratified cross validation is a data validation technique used when splitting the ML dataset into k subsets, of which k-1 subsets are used as training subsets (folds) and one (1) is used as the test subset (fold). This process is repeated k times. Stratified cross validation uses stratified sampling in the dataset, in order to ... Read more

stratified k-fold cross-validation

The stratified k-fold cross-validation is a k-fold cross-validation method in which each fold has a representative sample of data in datasets which exhibit class imbalance.


Stride in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is called the distance between filters in a convolution as they scan an image.

Strong Authentication

Strong Authentication (SA) Strong authentication assumes the usage of Multi-factor authentication (MFA) as a baseline, but goes beyond that with other authentication means. Strong authentication employs National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) assurance level-2 or assurance level-3. More details about strong authentication can be found at:

structured data

Data found in data sources (virtual machines, virtual containers, storage accounts, databases, data wareshouses, data lakes, data marts and data hubs) can be classified into three (3) major categories with regard to the level of structure they present. Unstructured data, i.e data which is in a format that makes it difficult to search, filter, or ... Read more